Employment News Paper - Exam Result Highlights ( 17 NOVEMBER 2012 - 23 NOVEMBER 2012 )
1. Railway Recruitment Board, Mumbai declares the final result of Centralised Employment Notice No. 01/2010, Category No. 01 for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot.
2. Railway Recruitment Board, Malda declares the of written examination held on 15.07.2012 fir the post of Assistant Loco Pilot, Category No. 01 of Centralised Employment Notice No. 01/2011
3. Railway Recruitment Board, Kolkata declares the result of Employment Notice No. –CEN-05/2010, Category No. 90, CEN -05/2010, Category No. 91.
3. State Bank of India declares the result of written examination for the of Assistant & Stenographers held on 27.05.2012 & 03.06.2012 and Interviews held in Sept 2012.
4. Railway Recruitment Board, Ahmedabad declares the final result of Centralised Employment Notice No. 02/2010 and Centralised Employment Notice No. 09/2010.
5. CWE (H) Pithoragarh declares the result of written examination Mate (SSK) held on 02 September 2012 vide Reference Employment Notice No. Davp10102/11/4350/1112 & 905211/LRS/09-12/01/E1C(1).
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