Employment News Paper - Exam Result Highlights ( 06 OCTOBER 2012 - 12 OCTOBER 2012 )
1. Government of India/Ministry of Railways, Railway Recruitment Board, Ajmer declares the result of written examination for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot of CEN-01/2011 and Category No. 01.
2. Railway Recruitment Board, Thiruvananthpuram declares the result of written examination for the Post of Assistant Loco Pilot, Reference No. CEN No. 01/2011 of 13.08.2011
3. Railway Recruitment Board, Bhubaneswar declares the results of written examination held on 15.07.2012 for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP).
4. Railway Recruitment Board, Ajmer declares the final result of Employment Notice No. 03/2008, Category No. 01 & 03 and Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2010, Category No. 01, 02, 03 & 04
5. Railway Recruitment Cell, East Central Railway declares the written examination held on 06.05.2012, 13.05.2012, 27.05.2012, 03.06.2012, 10.06.2012 and 24.06.2012.
6. Railway Recruitment Board, Bhopal declares the result of written examination vide Centralized Employment Notice No. 05/2010 and Category No. 91 and 92.
7. Railway Recruitment Board, Chennai declare the result of written examination of CEN No. 08/2010 (& JEN No. 01/2009) Category No. 02 ( & 36), post- Junior Stenographer (English).
8. Headquarter Eastern Naval Command, Visakhaptnam declare the result of written examination held on 31.03.2012 and 09.06.2012 for the post of Stenographer.
For more details visit: http://www.employmentnews.gov.in/
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